Here at TheHealthEvaluation we actively welcome guest post articles and would love to publish content from our guest authors.
We do have some guidelines and if you meet the below criteria, please feel free to contact us and publish your articles to our website. Your article will undergo our review process. If it meets our following guidelines, we will publish it:
Article Topic: Topic should be related to health, alternative medicine, general medicine, chiropractic, nutrition, plastic surgery, dentistry & beauty and style etc.
Article Length: Article length should be minimum 600-800 words. Please make sure your article will be informative for users and must have a minimum word count.
Article Link: – We will provide only one dofollow link back to your website that should be in the last paragraph of your article. You are allowed to put your website link in the author bio. We do not allow any keyword, irrelevant link and affiliate link anywhere inside article as this may harm our website reputation.
Write For The Readers: Write article in a manner that expresses your own voice. That way people can better connect with the writer. The Article should be useful and informative for users. Ensure that your article is well-written and don’t have any grammatical or spelling errors.
Images & Videos: Please add image or video to your article, as you might know , images speak a lot. Images and videos should be unique and only licensed images.
Copyright: Please do not submit any duplicate article that is already published somewhere else; we will not consider such articles. If we found you doing this, then your post/account will be deleted.
Editorial: If needed, our authorized Team will make some minor and needful changes to your article.
We will publish your content within 5-7 business days..
Please email at for any query related to submission guest post.