Oral hygiene drains money like anything. Even a single root canal costs a lot of dollars from your pocket. In an era where everyone, no matter child or adult, has at least one dental problem, it is really difficult to protect your whitening, brightening, and flawless smile. That means if you really want to take charge, you will have to put in a lot of effort.
Here in this blog, you will get all the information about protecting your smile for long-lasting happy life.😀
Use these tips to safeguard your smile from various dental problems. Moreover, these tips will help you maintain good oral hygiene.
There are almost 1/3rd of people in the US who never floss. Half of them are not even known by the term ‘floss’. That is probably because of less awareness about flossing your teeth.
Unlike brushing, floss is not too promoted, so people do not know about its benefits. On the other side, the one who knows about teeth flossing but does not do it because it takes time to develop the habit of it.
At first, it feels irritating; that’s another reason people do not prefer flossing. However, if you want that perfect white smile, you should floss every day.
If you are not comfortable flossing in a traditional way. You can try water flossing or plastic stick flossing tools.
Don’t worry! You were not doing anything wrong till now. There is no such rocket science behind choosing the right toothbrush. Just make sure that it has soft bristles and you keep changing it often (like in 3-6 months). Or else, there is a thumb rule which you can follow, change your toothbrush with a season change. That’s it!
Great if you are already doing it! Perhaps most of you live in this illusion that you brush your teeth properly.
How to brush your teeth properly? (do read this even if you brush your teeth well)
If you ever experience gum bleeding, probably it is because of bad brushing habits.
Most of us are living a stressful life which sometimes leads to teeth grinding. Many people do this. Though grinding occasionally cannot harm your teeth but only if it is occasional.
If you are one of them who grinds your teeth every night while sleeping, your teeth won’t be able to tolerate that. In such a case, you must wear a nightguard to save your smile.
No! You don’t need to wear it every day. Also, not everyone has to wear it. It’s like a helmet for the ones at risk. Such as boxing professionals. They are more prone to dental injuries.
If you think you work at a place or play a sport that requires a safeguard for dental injuries, wearing a mouthguard could be a great solution.
How many of you use your teeth to remove the cork from the bottle or open a package? And yes! Who likes to chew ice cubes? If you are any of these, you are probably putting your teeth at a huge stake.
Indeed, teeth are incredibly durable and strong. However, that does not mean you do such stunts with them. All these activities make your teeth weak and someday they may lose their durability and strength. Thus, if you do this. Stop it right away.
There are only a few people in the world who visit the dentist for regular checkups. Like general physicians check our overall health. Similarly, it is important to visit the dentist regularly (at least thrice a year). Is this too much to ask for a perfect smile? 😅
These regular visits do not include emergency or any other procedural visits.
Who else’s mother limited sugar intake at a younger age? 😐 well, we used to hate this but it is something she has done for our pretty smiles. Sugar and sugary products are serial tooth killers. Even the soda that we drink is harmful to our teeth.
Thus, limit your sugar consumption and drink more water to balance out the sugar content.
Now that you know what needs to be done to have a great smile, try to follow them rigorously. You can also start following these tips one by one so that you don’t feel like a burden. Once you get comfortable with one change, adopt the other one. All the best and keep smiling. keep following our website for more health related tips.