14 Small Things You Can Do Everyday To Improve Your Mood

  • January 26, 2022
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A lot of times, we feel dull and low for no reason. Modern people casually say it is just their mood swings, but the constant mood swings need to be considered, too. If you are having frequent mood ups and downs, that means your ability is reduced to adapt to something positively. You may need to put extra effort to regain the lost optimism. Many mood-boosting activities help to reduce unknown stress and bring back joy in your life.

14 Ways To Uplift Your Mood

1) Wake Up Early

Waking up early keeps you fresh all day. The “feel good” hormones stay at their peak and let you start your day in a good mood. Moreover, the natural air you get in the morning is best to relax your mind and stay happy all day.

Wake Up Early

2) Do Yoga Daily

Yoga is again an authentic stress buster. Even it aids people with serious depression. Certainly, it will help you reduce the unknown stress of your mind and make you feel calm. Many proven studies claim that yoga helps in casual mood swings, depression and anxiety.

3) Daily Exercise

Aerobic exercises and weight lifting training are considered best to deal with mood swings. It increases your heart pump rate and releases endorphin hormones in the brain. A combination of both could result in gaining enthusiasm and mind relief. 

Daily Exercise

4) Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is considered an effective stress management tool with a long history. While practising mindfulness, people experience a calm mind that lives in the present, judges the entire situation as per the present scenario, and accepts the goods and bads of life.

The American Psychological Foundation says that mindfulness has innumerable psychological benefits, such as dealing with mood swings, fighting anxiety and depression. 

5) Make Someone Smile

Well! Our mood is the definition of our surroundings. If we make someone happy, their happiness gives us a small reason to smile. It feels like self-appreciation that helps in improving mood.

Many psychology doctors suggest this activity as a to-do task for mood upliftment.

Make Someone Smile

6) Keep Your Surroundings Tidy

If our surroundings are cluttered and unsorted our minds will work in the same pattern too. Our brains read patterns and accordingly make our mood. If the surroundings are untidy, you will feel confused all day which may lower your morale and reduce the motivation levels resulting in a bad mood for the day. Therefore, keep your surroundings clean, like your bedroom, wardrobe, kitchen, office desk, purse. 

7) Write A Diary Daily

Writing a journal develops your communication with yourself. It brings a sense of acceptance to the mind and helps you practise introspection. It helps you live in the present and manage your feelings and emotions. 

Moreover, if you fix a time of the day to write a journal, it will improve your mood instantly.

Write A Diary Daily

8) Go For A Walk

As a workout, walking has a positive response to your mind and body too. It helps boost your mood by increasing blood flow and blood circulation to the brain and body. It has a favourable impact on the central nervous response system i.e. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis which is good as the HPA axis takes care of your stress response.

9) Recall Good Memories

Good times bring joy to our life. Recalling them does the same to our mood. Watching old school annual events, family functions, birthday parties and special celebrations brings happiness especially in times of dull mood.

If you feel down in future, try scrolling pictures and videos with good memories.

Recall Good Memories

10) Do Some Laundry

Are you thinking the same? Who will do laundry in a bad mood? Well! It works. Put off all the anger on clothes and laugh out louder thinking how a mere laundry could be so much fun and relaxing at times of bad mood. 

11) Listen To Soothing Music

Sound and music are all-time healers. They increase the production of dopamine hormone, which relieves the mind from depression and anxiety. Music gets processed directly by the amygdala which is the part of the brain that is responsible for moods and emotions. Thus, whenever you feel low, just turn on the music and relax your mind.

Listen To Soothing Music

12) Light A Scented Candle

The fragrant candles stimulate the brain part which is connected to mood and memory. From enhancing memory and boosting energy to releasing stress and clearing mental chaos, heating a scented candle could be really helpful and deliver many psychological benefits.

13) Dress The Way You Like

Your personality has a direct influence on your mind. If you dress well, stay confident about your personality you will feel happiness from inside. It is really important to have self-satisfaction to relieve stress and uplift mood which can be achieved by dressing the way you like.

Dress The Way You Like

14) Have A Quality Sleep

Disrupted sleep could be the reason behind your low spirits and dull mood. If you have not taken proper rest, you may feel tired and unproductive all day. Try enhancing your sleep quality. Many ways help to improve your sleep routine


It is important to take care of your mental health even if it is casual yet frequent mood swings. Since you know how to improve your mood and energy, try these activities and exercises. Always remember, you will never get time for these things, you will have to manage on your own. Waking up early could help you perform all these activities and keep you occupied with positive things around so you may experience fewer mood swings. For more information on mental health and mindfulness, keep following us.